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Temporary Maker Evening Suspension
Due to the cancellation of teaching related to Covid-19, the Maker Evening will be suspended until further notice. If you do however want to borrow components or tools to work on projects, until teaching resumes, email j.barbrook@lancaster.ac.uk.
Oculus Quest VR Hands-on session next week.

The Makerspace now has 3 Oculus Quest VR Goggles, to help support various university projects. We will have them available in the Maker evening for the next few weeks, so why not drop in for hands-on experience?
The Maker evening is 6.30 in the Library C130 on Wednesday and is open for Staff and Students.
The headsets were funded by generous donations from Alumni and Friends of Lancaster University via the Friends Programme.
Repair Café this Sunday

There is a repair café running once a month at Re:Centre Lancaster
Repair Cafés are all about repairing things (together). You’ll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need.
- Mending, darning, scissor sharpening
- kids crafting
- small household electronic repair
- software issues on your phone/computer
- bike tuneup
More information at https://recentrelancaster.co.uk/
Are you interested in programming and are aged between 7 and 17? The CoderDojo runs every Wednesday 4-6 in the Library. Learn how to code, create games and websites and most importantly have fun!
Book your place on the CoderDojo Website

New Year in the Making!

It is 2020! And a reminder that the Makerspace will be back in action on Wednesday from 6.30 – 8.30 in the Library. Of unrelated note, WHERE ARE OUR FLYING CARS?
Merry Christmas!

Lots of free maker books and videos for Lancaster Staff and Students from O’Reilly
Great news! the library in partnership with ISS now has a subscription to O’Reilly
The O’Reilly for Higher Education digital platform includes more than 38,000 book titles, of many popular O’Reilly, Pearson and Packt Publishing titles in computing, technology and business. It also includes more than 30,000 hours of video, accessible online in a browser or via a mobile app.
Accessing O’Reilly
Access O’Reilly using this direct link from the A-Z database list https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/temporary-access and use your university email to set up an account.
The account setup asks to create a password to complete the setup and create a personal account allows you to use the O’Reilly app for off-line viewing/reading of content.
Further information can be found on the Computing Libguide at http://lancaster.libguides.com/c.php?g=541407&p=4814284
Maker Night – Lots of LEDs
A great evenings hacking and making, the Raspberry Pis are working, and as an added extra, fixed the tiny little camera drone which now doesn’t crash into the walls. We also had some extra awesome electronics kits from Simon Monk @ monkmakes!
And the Cube:Bit is looking awesome……
Raspberry Pi Fixathon!
The first makerspace evening went great! However the donated Raspberry Pi collection is a a bit ‘eccentric’
Come an help us get as many working as possible! 6.30 PM room C130 Library on Wednesday